https://www.jinhe.url.tw/contact.html 波斯/馬爾地夫/蒙古/肯亞專賣店 https://www.jinhe.url.tw/images/corpimg.png 台北市民權東路一段45號9樓 $ 02-2500-0099#23 滿漢波斯假期滿漢波斯假期的總部位於德黑蘭滿漢航空的旅遊部門,於2020年6月開始運營。讓旅客在伊朗旅途中深刻感受到我們優質的服務,憑藉20多年的旅遊業經驗,我們熱衷於創造最好的旅遊體驗。伊朗擁有悠久的歷史和獨特的文化,孕育著熱情好客的氛圍,應該列入您近期的旅遊勝地清單中。我們優質的員工和旅遊套裝行程將確保您從抵達到離開的那一刻都擁有難忘美好的體驗。About Mahan Air Tourism DepartmentMahan Air Tourism Department is the tour operator arm of Tehran-based Mahan Air, which started operations from June 2020, enabling customers to enjoy our superb services not only at the beginning and the end of their journey but during. With over 20 years of experience in travel industry, we are passionate about creating the finest travel experience. Iran is home to antient history and unique culture which nurtures hospitality and should be on your A list of places to visit in the near term. We will make sure you will have a memorable experience from the moment of arrival to departure thanks to our friendly staff and great tour packages.馬爾地夫巴廖尼渡假村馬爾地夫巴廖尼渡假村座落於馬爾地夫達盧環礁Dhaalu Atoll的Maagau島上,是該地第一個真正的義式風情的奢華五星級渡假天堂。巴廖尼渡假村擁有85棟別墅和360度環繞著壯麗海洋生物的珊瑚礁,它把義大利的優雅與印度洋的熱帶美景完美結合,渡村周圍被綠松石色的海水和天鵝絨般光滑的白色沙灘圍繞著。此渡假村為「全包」式的豪華渡假勝地,客人將在餐廳和酒吧品嘗到令人驚歎的美酒佳餚。Baglioni Maldives Luxury All-inclusiveSituated in the midst of the Indian Ocean, Baglioni Maldives Luxury All-inclusive is one of the few truly natural resorts in the Maldives, where every guest is treated as part of the family and will want to return for years to come. Our unique plan at Baglioni Maldives Luxury All Inclusive is designed for guests to experience their dream vacation to the full, with everything they need at their fingertips—and all included.
https://www.jinhe.url.tw/ 波斯/馬爾地夫/蒙古/肯亞專賣店
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